Stepping Stones Nursery
110 West King Street
G84 8DQ
Stepping Stones Nursery
110 West King Street
G84 8DQ
Aims And Objectives At Stepping Stones Nursery
Mission Statement
“The Early Years in a child’s life are crucial in laying the foundations for their future. At Stepping Stones we will lay that foundation right”
At Stepping Stones we believe in promoting every child’s uniqueness through curiosity kindness and fun.
Our objectives are:
• To provide a safe, secure, and welcoming environment for children aged 2 to 5 years of age, following best practice as indicated by the Health and Social Care Standards (2017) and the SSSC Codes of practice (2016)
• To promote a culture of positivity, respect, and attachment for children aged 2 to 5 years; this is the heart of our philosophy. Central to this is GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child, 2006)
• To provide an environment that allows for high-quality developmental and learning experiences through play following the guidance in Realising the Ambition (2020), the Curriculum for Excellence (2019) and Argyll & Bute’s Developmental Milestones (2016)
• To ensure the children understand their rights in accordance with the UNCRC (1990)
Our aims run alongside the 8 SHANARRI (GIRFEC) indicators ensuring the children’s well-being is at the heart of everything we do:
• To consider the health, well-being, and safety of the children of the utmost importance at all times (Safe)
• To use the environment and community resources to enhance their learning and development (Healthy)
• To reach the learning outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence/Pre-Birth to Three and to observe and assess children achieving their developmental milestones, within a safe and stimulating environment (Achieving)
• To always adopt a caring, supportive, and nurturing environment for children and their families with an open-door policy and to promote lifelong social and emotional understanding (Nurtured)
• To promote learning as a journey through play for each individual child with an emphasis on outdoor learning (Active)
• To ensure that children feel happy and secure, forming partnerships with parents/carers/families and to respect their views along with partner agencies and the children themselves (Respected)
• Encourage positive attitudes to self and others and develop confidence, self-esteem, and respect. (Responsible)
• To provide excellence and equity for all in Early Learning and Childcare (Included)